Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Miracle Of Life

So I am still pretty new to the whole blogging thing, in fact I usually keep my feelings to myself most of the time. But two weeks ago, I experienced the most pivotal moment in my life to date, and I felt I needed to tell the world about it. I am the proud father of a new baby girl named Bryleigh, who was born on Saturday June 16, 2007. I always thought I would get married and have kids someday because that is just what people do. As I had gone through the last nine months of pregnancy with my wife, I felt many emotions, from excitement and anticipation, to fear and apprehension. I wondered how after all these years of being concerned about myself and what is best for me, I would be able to change that focus from myself to someone else. Someone who really had nothing to offer me and would instead actually require more of me than anyone or anything else ever has. It is like that moment when you are walking through the department store or sitting in a movie theater and you hear a child wailing at the top of his lungs, and you think to yourself, do I really need that in my life? Of course, I had already made my choice, so I just needed to prepare myself for whatever was to come.

Well the day finally arrived on Saturday morning, and by Saturday afternoon, our baby had arrived. I really do not have words for what transpired that afternoon, but when I held my daughter in my arms for the first time, something changed in me. I was instantly in love with her in a way I have never been before. People talk about love at first sight, but that is usually a physical attraction they feel that is based on more selfish desires of what they will get from the relationship. But loving a child with no expectations from them, except maybe some future heartache and stress, is just a supernatural experience. It truly helped me to see how God loves us, even though we are sinners who do not deserve his love and who often break his heart. When I think of God being my heavenly father, it takes on a completely new meaning for me. The crying that I feared would be so irritating and annoying, actually touches me on a deeper level than I could have imagined, and makes me want to be there to comfort my child and do anything I can to make it better. One week ago, I never thought I would feel this way, or even believe that I could feel this way. But when they tell you that having a baby is a life changing experience, they are absolutely correct. It is one of the most amazing and awesome experiences you will ever have, or at least it has been for me. Even the poopy diapers are enjoyable, most of the time, because I get to bond with my daughter and do something for her that she cannot do for herself. Much like my heavenly father continually does for me.

I know this is a long blog, and if you made it this far, thanks for listening. I could have gone on much longer but I think you get my point. I just hope everyone who has children or someday will, can have the same experience that I have had. I just thank God for showing himself to me through the eyes of my child.

I love you Bryleigh.


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